Re>Imagine Discovery

An end-to-end platform that makes finding critical information faster and more cost-effective.

Transform investigations and discovery with AI, advanced cloud and intuitive workflow tools.

Find > Analyze > Report . . . in minutes!


A Complete Discovery Solution

DiscoveryPartner isn’t a plugin—it’s a complete, cloud-native platform that combines GenAI with advanced automation to transform how teams work with large document collections. Built to support the litigation lifecycle, our platform brings sophisticated technology to every stage of the process, from initial data processing through search, analysis, review and production.

Making Discovery Efficient and Effective

Our DiscoveryPartner platform helps make discovery more efficient and effective by automating key workflow processes including search, review and production. Use Freeform Search to find relevant documents without struggling with complicated Boolean syntax. Use our Review Workflow Module to create review stages and move documents seamlessly through the process. And use our Production Module to folder and execute the entire production process, including document conversion, stamping, load file creation and handling privileged or confidential documents.

Key Features

  • Intelligent Search: Find relevant documents instantly with our Freeform Search technology
  • GenAI-Powered Analysis: Ask questions and get answers rather than just search results
  • Smarter Review Workflow: Move documents efficiently through customized review stages without batches or spreadsheets
  • User Directed Productions: Handle document conversion, stamping, and load file creation automatically
  • Trial Ready Assistant: Your AI-powered assistant can quickly find and review critical evidence to run down new issues in minutes; no more allnighters

The result is a more intelligent discovery process that saves both time and money while enhancing accuracy and thoroughness. Our modular approach lets you use the tools you need when you need them, scaling easily to match your requirements. 

Here is a look at some of the key workflow automation features that set DiscoveryPartner apart.

Customizable Dashboard Reports

Dynamic and Customizable Dashboards


DiscoveryPartner allows you to create dashboards for each user group. Choose from specialized reports, recent searches and review tags with up to nine options across three columns.

Multi-Party from Start to Finish

We designed DiscoveryPartner to support multi-party litigation including complex criminal matters. Different defense (or plaintiff) groups can work together through one site while protecting the confidentiality of individual work product. These multi-party features come standard with each site:

  1. Private Tags: Each group can have its own set of tags (single or multi-select or text) to preserve work product. Each is isolated but can be searched, viewed, analyzed and reported on by group members.
  2. Private Folders: Each group member can create private folders, sharing them with the group or individuals within the group. Several parties can create shared folders as well.
  3. Private Searches: Each group member can create private searches, sharing them with the group or individuals within the group. Several parties can create shared searches as well.
  4. Private Analytics: Our AI capabilities are locked down as well such that they can be tied to group roles or individual users. Thus, each team can work together on a Sherlock Find or Analyze project, keeping those efforts separate from other parties.
  5. Private Reports and Dashboards: Reports can be shared with individuals or groups to ensure they remain confidential. Once shared, reports can be added to a customizable dashboard as well.

Each team can work together yet independently through group roles which determine which services and functions they can access for editing and viewing. Teams can also build separate review workflows, accessible only to group members.

Our largest matter to date involves about fifteen different defendants, with each counsel team working separately but benefitting from shared expenses for the site.

Keyword and Algorithmic Search

Search Fields, Tags and Text–Together (without juggling indexes)

DiscoveryPartner’s advanced keyword search capability allows for comprehensive and efficient searches across fields, tags and text. Seamlessly build complex Boolean queries without the hassle of switching indexes for different search types. Our one-page search guide is straightforward and thorough, ensuring simplicity without compromising depth.

Use Our Intuitive Freeform Search (instead of struggling with keywords)


Find relevant documents faster using Freeform search. This algorithmic search tool enables you to rapidly identify relevant documents without constructing intricate keyword searches. Simply input all terms related to your topic—without concern for syntax or punctuation—and let our AI-powered ranking algorithm do the rest.

See Your Results with Snippets, Timelines and Chart Views

View Results More Clearly in Snippet View


View your results in our unique snippet view. We extract key portions of the document for each result, placing selected metadata along the top. Snippet view gives you a quick idea whether your search is on target. It’s like Google only better.

Add Timelines to Your Results


Click on the timeline link for a dynamic view of your results. The timeline is dynamic, allowing you to drill into the results set to see activity.

Flexible Viewing Options

Adapt the results display to your preference: switch to a traditional grid view with customizable metadata fields for a more detailed perspective, or opt for a charts view ideal for generating insightful reports. These reports can be shared and seamlessly integrated into the dashboard for easy access.

Flexible Review Pages and Customizable Macros

Create Macro Groups for Review Efficiency


Make review teams more efficient with a customizable slate of review macros (including Hot-Keys). A reviewer can create multiple tags, update Sherlock and even copy documents to specific folders with a a single click. Tailor the macro groups to different review teams, providing a customized tagging experience for their specific needs.

View, Review and Tag Families Together


View and tag family members individually or as a group. Use the “tag all” feature or open the window to see metadata about each family member. 

See and Tag the Entire Family in Our Unique Family View


With the Family View opened, you can quickly see all the attachments along with select metadata about each. Click to view attachments individually or tag them all with one click.

Sophisticated But Simple Review Workflow

Scalable Review Management


Put an end to spreadsheets and managing batches with our sophisticated, smart queuing system. Folder your documents and build out review stages (family or TAR), assigning individual reviewers or review teams. Track the process through completion and production.

Advanced Automated Review Capabilities

Our system supports both linear and family reviews, as well as technology-assisted reviews using our sophisticated machine learning algorithms. Experience the market’s fastest and most efficient continuous active learning algorithm. Whether your review team is small or comprises thousands, our system adeptly assigns and tracks documents throughout the review process.

Streamlined Document Queuing System

Transition from traditional batching to a more efficient queuing system for document review. Reviewers simply request the next document in the queue, receiving individual documents or document families in the order you specify. This system is ideal for various review stages, including first-pass, privilege or quality control reviews, ensuring a smoother, more manageable workflow.

User-Driven Productions

Streamlined Productions Process


Our review module provides an end to end process. Copy reviewed documents into a dedicated review folder and move to the production dashboard. This opening tab allows you to fill in basic information about the review including delivery options. You can watch the production progress right from this page.

Determine Output Formats, Production Numbering and Sorting.


On the second tab you can determine the output format for different kinds of files along with numbering and sorting. Choose formats for native productions along with an appropriate placeholder statement.

Choose From Multiple Stamping Options


Stamp files with production numbers along with other messages based on text or database fields. Place stamps in a variety of positions.

Create Standard and Custom Load Files


Create one or more load files with the production including the standard CSV or Concordance formats. Also create a custom load file choosing from a variety of accepted delimiters. Choose metadata fields to include in your load files along with their placement order.

Site Management Made Simple

Control User Rights Through Roles


Each user is placed in a role (essentially a security group) for security and to guide the user’s experience. Choose which functions they can view and edit, which field and tags are available and set results and review pages.

Monitor User Activity


All user activity is logged for easy review and monitoring. Have a question regarding a site event? View events stamped by date and time to determine what happened.

Map Field and Tags for Automated Loading


Map load file fields to facilitate automated loading from productions or processing output. Use DiscoveryPartner’s standard fields or we can create custom ones when needed.

Create and Manage Tag Values


Take control over tags and tag values. Create values for each tag by entering them in separated by commas. Drag them in the proper order. Add new tags on the fly as the review progresses.

Monitor All Job Requests


Track all jobs submitted to the site, e.g. copy to folder, bulk update, printing, from start to finish. See details regarding the request made and the documents affected.

Monitor Document Uploads


Monitor document uploads with details about dates, times, requesters and volumes. Quickly identify load failures and successes.

Turn Your Site Off and Save


Turn your site off manually by clicking on the red button. You can see which users have been on the site in the last thirty minutes along with any jobs that are still in progress. Turn the site off to save on hosting costs.

Use Our Site Scheduler and Site Energy Saver


Schedule operating hours for your site across the week to ensure it is up and available for your team. For off hours, use our site energy saver to shut down the site when it isn’t in use to save on hosting costs. 

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