Tredennick Joins Distinguished Panel of Judges and Law Professors to Talk to Judges about GPT’s Future

Tredennick Joins Distinguished Panel of Judges and Law Professors to Talk to Judges about GPT’s Future.


Merlin CEO and Founder, John Tredennick, will join several federal judges, law school professors and senior attorneys to discuss GPT’s future. The program is for the  Rabiej Litigation Law Center bench-bar conference on July 19, 2023 

The program is titled Advantage TAR or ChatGPT?  and will be moderated by Professor Joshua Davis, University of California College of the Law, San Francisco. 

The panel features a distinguished group of speakers including:

  • John Tredennick, Merlin Search Technologies
  • Hon. Gene Pratter, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
  • Hon. Frank Maas (ret.) JAMS
  • Jay Edelson, Edelson PC
  • Gilbert Keteltas, Baker Hostetler LLP
  • Jeffrey Chivers, Chivers LLP

Asked about the topic, Tredennick responded: “I think they have asked the wrong question here. TAR and an LLM like GPT are meant to work together, covering both sides of the discovery effort. A great TAR engine like Sherlock will find relevant documents. A great LLM will then summarize and analyze them.”

Tredennick continued: “Two tools for two different purposes. But together they will revolutionize discovery workflow, saving time and money for our clients.” 

John Tredennick is the CEO and founder of Merlin Search Technologies.

More Resources

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